Tell me if this sounds familiar..."I'm just not interested in essential oils..." or "I'm just going to go with another brand...." Can you say, Ouch?! I fully believe every person would benefit greatly from having natural solutions such as doTERRA Essential Oils in their home. So, I wanted to take the time to address the FIVE main concerns people say when they don't want to buy essential oils. May you feel heard, supported, and enlightened.
Reason 1) "Essential oils are too expensive. Why can't I just find cheaper ones on Amazon or a local health food store?"
This one hits close to home because this is exactly what I did. I tried some high quality dōTERRA® essential oils with great success. I wanted more but I'm an Amazon Prime mom so I found another brand with high reviews for a fraction of the cost. Score! Except not really. I was having to use 4-5 more drops of the knockoff brand to even remotely come close to the results I was getting with dōTERRA®. I was paying just as much for an inferior product. At the end of the day, I wasn't really saving money since I was using more drops per dose!
And speaking of dose, when purchasing essential oils it is super helpful to view the price of the bottle based on dosage and number of uses! For example, a 15ml bottle of dōTERRA® peppermint is $21. Did you know that each bottle has 250 drops? Because dōTERRA® essential oils are super potent and stronger than many brands out there, you'll typically only need 1 drop per dose! So that head discomfort you put Peppermint oil on is only 8 cents! And guess what?! You can still use that bottle of Peppermint for your head 249 more times!

The second misconception is people not realizing that cheap essential oils can be just Just because a bottle of essential oil says 100% pure it does not mean it really is natural and pure. There is an essential oil craze and lots of companies are trying to get in on a quick buck. As a Certified Aromatherapist I often get asked which ones are fake. Here is a quick list of essential oil brands that have had a least one of their essential oils fail a 3rd party GC/MS purity test:
1. Art Naturals
2. Biosource Naturals
3. Camden Grey
4. Dr. Adorable
5. Guardian Technologies/Pure Guardian Spa
6. Healing Solutions
7. Majestic Pure Cosmeceuticals
8. Piping Rock
9. Radha Beauty
10. Saje Wellness
11. Walgreens Nature's Truth
12. Walmart Essential Oils
There are more brands that have failed too, but these are the ones people ask the most about. PLEASE, if you are going to get essential oils at least stay away from toxic ones. If you have another brand you are curious about you can e-mail me at and I'll let you know if I have come across any GC/MS purity reports and other information.
Reason 2) "I just want one or two essential oils without having to pay for a whole membership. Why do I have to get a kit or enroll with a membership just to get an oil?"
Ok, so this one is actually a myth buster. First things first, you can certainly buy just 1-2 oils without getting a membership. Go HERE if that's what you'd like to do and use my affiliate referral ID# 749670.
BUT and this is a very big BUT...if you buy something for your head tension today but next month your kid starts sneezing and coughing then you're not going to have what you need will you? And then you have to wait for the oils to come in the mail which takes even more time. For this reason, most people buy an enrollment starter kit because its an easy and cost effective way to get started with a good number of oils. This will ensure your family is prepared with the top 10 essential oils! Curious to know what those top 10 essential oils are and what you can use them for? Go HERE for 150 ways to Use the Home Essential Kit (our most popular kit!).

Lastly, the reason so many of us speak about the membership is because it will save you! A dōTERRA® membership works just like a Costco membership. This allows you access to their members only discount pricing. The good news, when you choose to purchase an enrollment starter kit as your membership, the $35 membership fee will be waived. That's right, you don't even have to pay for a membership! This means you'll receive a substantial discount on all dōTERRA® products (25% discount) for a full 12 months! No selling or monthly purchase required. So, would you rather get the Home Essentials Kit for $366.67 (retail) or $275 (wholesale)? That's a no-brainer. A FREE wholesale customer membership with the purchase of a starter kit is the way to go! No pressure, but when you are ready to purchase a starter kit go HERE and use my referral ID# 749670. I've got some welcome gifts for you too!
Reason 3) "Essential Oils are so overwhelming with all the options out there! Will someone please just tell me which oils to use and how to use them exactly?"

Yes! So much YES! I hear you! People are loving the idea of essentials oils as natural alternatives for everyday health especially for relaxation/stress, household cleaning, cooking, or supporting strong immune systems. The tricky part is knowing which oils to use and how to apply them correctly. I can't stress this enough.... choose to buy essential oils from a person/brand that offers you ongoing support quickly. Some companies have started hiring Certified Aromatherapists to their staff but those people are not as readily accessible to answer your questions when you need it most. This is where I provide a solution. My wholesale customers know they can PM or text me when their kid has ear discomfort one day and the next day snot coming out of their nose. There is just something about being able to personally contact a caring and competent person quickly that makes all the difference!
Do you have an essential oil usage question? Schedule a complimentary Aromatherapy Consultation with me! We can do this over the phone, in-person, Skype or FB messenger video chat. Each session takes about 30 minutes and you’ll receive safe usage recommendations from a Certified Aromatherapist. You don't have to buy anything, but if you see something you like, I can help you get it ordered and know how to use it exactly. This means you’ll be left feeling at ease, prepared and confident on how to use essential oils for every member of the family – children and pets included! Go HERE to schedule a consult. Looking forward to connecting with you!
Reason 4) "They sound like a placebo those snake oils really work? I even ordered some off Amazon once and they didn't work."
A growing number of people in the medical field are starting to recommend dōTERRA® essential oils. I believe this is because dōTERRA® Essential Oils are making groundbreaking medical research by partnering with major research hospital like Mayo Clinic, Vanderbilt, and John Hopkins. They really are staying at the forefront of research and providing the highest quality essential oils on the market!
As for the essential oils you used, they may not have worked because not all essential oils are created equal. Even though an essential oil may be 100% pure, if the right species or part of a plant has not been used, or if the plant has not been grown in the right environment or harvested at the right time, or if it has not been distilled under the right conditions, the natural chemical makeup of the extraction will not provide as predictable and powerful a benefit. Selecting the best essential oils is not just about purity, but about QUALITY too! As you can see, purity and potency vary from brand to brand due to growing, sourcing, and distillation methods. Once you select the best essential oils to use, you just need to know how to use them properly to get the results you desire! And that's where I come in. As a Certified Aromatherapist, I can recommend to you the best quality essential oils that work while giving you instructions on how to use them properly!
So why do essential oils work? Doctor's diagnose. Medications treat symptoms. Essential oils work by supporting the body's cells naturally so the body can heal itself.

Reason 5) "MLM people drive me nuts with their unsafe recommendations for using oils internally or using them on kids under 10. I only want to get info from a Certified Aromatherapist."
I hear you. I don't know which is worse though, Pinterest and google recommendations or the fear mongering that are scaring people from using essential oils. That's one of the reason why I decided to become a Certified Aromatherapist. I was tired of the hearsay and really just wanted to learn how to best support my family and friends as naturally and safely as possible. So, I took the training and learned about which essential oils affect the different body systems. I also learned the different and safe application methods based on ages and skin types.
But the real kicker...I learned all about #fakenews, but really its just incomplete news. Did you know the warnings in aromatherapy resources concerning Peppermint and Eucalyptus (and therefore, Breathe) are based on an original study that showed decreased oxygen levels in those that smoked menthol cigarettes? Read that again. The warning based on this study didn't even account for the possibility that the combination of menthol with other toxins in the cigarettes may have caused the decreased oxygen. Yet you may have heard to "avoid" using peppermint in children. Another source that is referenced in these warnings is a database from Australia that records about 40 cases of eucalyptus toxicity in children. However, when you read the cases, they all record toxicity after ingesting eucalyptus of 60mL or more. That is 4 bottles of dōTERRA® eucalyptus! Ingested! In every case recorded, the child was not hospitalized and recovered at home safely. But since so many children ingested eucalyptus, the consensus was to just to avoid eucalyptus due to user error being high.

I think the real question is how to use essential oils safely. There is a fantastic book book called Essential Oil Safety which is highly sought after by Certified Aromatherapists. It compiles a bunch of research and case studies on Essential Oils over the last several decades including usage methods. You can purchase this book HERE. Or you can contact a Certified Aromatherapist that has actually reviewed the research documents/case studies and will help you navigate safe essential oil uses. And for the record, I used Breathe and Eucalyptus on my one year old when he had some respiratory issues and he got well quickly! It was due to his great recovery that his pediatrician ended up buying essential oils for her family too... dōTERRA®'s Breathe Respiratory Blend to be exact!
If you still feel more comfortable not using certain essential oils due to your child's age then don't! There is usually another essential oil with similar chemical constituents that can be substituted for your desired results. A Certified Aromatherapist can help you with this. And you don't have to take essential oils internally either if you'd rather not. My goal is to work with you in a way you are comfortable. While delivery and usage methods can vary, something I as a Certified Aromatherapist will not compromise in is in the quality of essential oils I recommended. The goal is to help you find safe natural solutions that really work!
Open to trying essential oils? If you have never tried dōTERRA® Essential oils and would like some samples, feel free to email me at It would be my pleasure to come alongside you and help you discover natural solutions for healthy, empowered living!

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