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Picnic and Party

July 9, 2022

There’s nothing like the toasty glow of midsummer, bringing barbecues and baby showers galore, compressed into the space of just a few weeks. In response to the age-old question, “What are you bringing?”, allow me to offer a few dōTERRA®-inspired items to accompany you to the rest of this sunny season’s activities.

Scenario one: you’ve volunteered to host the event at your place, say on your patio or porch — if you’ve planned ahead with enough Citronella protection, that is. Beyond the role of cleaning and opening your home, you’re providing drinks for the festivities. Pep up your run-of-the-mill lemonade with toothpick swirls of Lavender or Ginger, and serve with fresh or frozen berries or citrus wedges on the side! It’s a fun and exciting twist on a very simple drink. In addition to the lemonade, you might serve iced coffee with a drop of classic Peppermint, a dōTERRA fan favorite. To up the fancy factor and feel like you’re treating your guests to a coffee shop experience, tailored for the heat of summer, make organic cacao powder and your sweetener of choice available for them to create their own cool minty mochas to sip on.

Scenario two: you’re attending an event at someone else’s house or an outdoor location, and you’ve offered to bring a side dish. Depending on the strengths and gifting of the individual, this could be either much more or much less intimidating than hosting the get together! Either way, I’ve got you covered with a few fantastic potluck tips and tricks.

All you’ll need is your favorite chicken salad recipe, as well as a way to keep it sufficiently cool for its surroundings (because no amount of essential oil is going to cancel out the hazardous effects of a chicken salad left out in the heat too long). As you get that trusty chicken salad mixed up and ready to go, simply add to the oil base a drop of Black Pepper, Celery Seed Oil, Lemon, and Dill. If you only have one or two of these oils on hand, go ahead and use what you’ve got; Dill is one you’d only have in your cupboard if you snagged it during a special promotion in the past. Those essential oil flavors will explode along with the textured delights of celery, pecans, sliced grapes, and whatever else suits your southern salad fancy. With minimal effort and a rich host of benefits, your chicken salad will achieve the next level of goodness!

On the other hand, if the occasion calls for a green salad, have a good time dressing it up with a homemade dōTERRA vinaigrette. Use three parts olive or avocado oil, two parts balsamic red wine or white wine vinegar, and one part Dijon mustard. Then add your citrus oil of choice to taste; Lemon or Wild Orange are both great options. Dress a simple summer salad of spinach, strawberries, and toasted nuts with this clean vinaigrette.

Another dish suggestion, show up to the party with some roasted potatoes that you tossed with olive oil and Rosemary essential oil before browning in the oven. Mix in some other vegetables before roasting, if desired, along with Lemon oil, which you’ve probably noticed is an incredible versatile and useful oil to keep in the kitchen year-round!

And finally, for a bit of dessert to round out the event: mix up a yogurt fruit parfait by blending plain Greek yogurt with a drop of Lime or Grapefruit oil, to taste. Layer yogurt with granola and blueberries in an attractive, clear cup. Voila! Using these ideas as springboards, you’re ready to show up well-prepared to any party this summer can throw at you. You’re also prepared to throw open your doors to invite friends inside, and out of the heat, to enjoy everything dōTERRA brings to the table.