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Out the Door with Citronella

May 22, 2023

How’s this for a satisfying irony: heading outdoors presents us with a world of buzzing, flying creatures that can really bother us. But heading outdoors also introduces us to a wonderful variety of plant life, the essence of which dōTERRA® specializes in bottling up for us. And one oil in particular offers stellar protection from those stinging and biting creatures we seek to avoid in the great outdoors. If you’re wondering how to harness its power, prepare for easy and pleasant; no synthetic bug spray smells to tolerate here!

Imagine a crisp, lemony floral aroma hitting your senses and delighting you. The exact same aroma hits a mosquito, compelling it to buzz off immediately. This is what makes sweet, rosy Citronella essential oil a win-win. Make Citronella your first dependable ingredient in any blend, such as the following one, prepared for the purpose of outdoor protection. Diffuse on your porch as you take in scenery and good conversation, or you might choose to pop the components into a homemade bug spray. Citronella is actually a registered insect repellent in the United States, so it’s one of the easiest oils to jump in and use practically, if you're new at this!

Buzz Off

• 3 drops Citronella

• 2 drops Peppermint

• 2 drops Tea Tree oil

Native to Asia, Citronella is a tall grass sporting thin, bright green blades that give off a crisp and fresh aroma reminiscent of Lemongrass. dōTERRA sources Citronella essential oil from Indonesia, collecting it from distilled citronella leaves. Apply topically to the skin with Fractionated Coconut Oil, and/or spritz directly onto the skin using a few drops of Citronella mixed with water. Be sure to include ankles, wrists, and neck in your topical coverage, to make you as invisible as possible to pesky space invaders. What if you’ve already been bugged by a buzzing visitor, and it’s too late for prevention? Use Citronella to soothe the skin and help fight that infuriating sensation that makes you want to keep scratching. For yet another practical preventative use, mix a few drops of Citronella into the melted wax of a candle and voila: you have a bug-repelling candle equipped for outdoor use.

Interestingly, Citronella’s protective effect works by masking the human fragrances that insects find so appealing. I have to agree with those critters: Citronella’s pleasing aroma does a great job covering up distracting household odors. Use it to clean surfaces in and around your home, enjoying the cheerily uplifting quality of Citronella while you’re at your task of hunting down and eliminating odors. It’s almost like taking a walk among wildflowers — even more so, if you mix Citronella with floral companions such as Geranium and Lavender in a room-refreshing spray or diffuser blend. And for a combination evocative of a stroll in the woods, combine Citronella with Douglas Fir in equal parts.

Summertime means time for outdoor fun, so let’s make it as worry-free as possible. With Citronella serving as your shield, you’ll be covered for a good time, from campsites and hiking trails to backyards and porches. As one of the most practical, protective oils out there, Citronella gets you out into nature where you can enjoy the majestic gifts it has to offer.